Naukovyi Chasopys № 91

Title page


Avramenko B. Cognitive aspect of phonetic competence of students of language specialties

Aprielieva I. Implementation of pedagogical ideas of partnership in the relationship system “educator” – “child”

Babaiev Yu. Peculiarities of formation of psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional combat activity in field conditions.

Baldyniuk O., Klymenko Yu. Bullying as a social phenomenon of modern Ukraine

Bielova O. Outline of the problem of the development of the lexical level of speech in children of older preschool age with logopathology

Biletska L., Stasiv N. Methodological features of the step by step formation of primary school pupils general skills of solution of plot problems

Brovko K., Durdas A., Sopova D. Ethical dominants of English network slang neologisms in the development creativity of future social pedagogues during the foreign language classes

Bulharu N., Radius O. Use of professionally oriented role games during English language studying

Vakolia Z., Popadych B. Selection of teaching technologies for development of soft skills in higher education students during martial law

Vasiliev G. Model of the formation of the vocational qualities of adolescents in out-of-school sports institutions

Gorozhankina O. The role of special courses in the educational process of a modern university

Hrebenyk T. Analysis of the essence of personality media culture phenomenon in scientific discourse

Hryhorenko H., Hryhorenko D., Teslenko A. The formation of a culture of health for students in the educational and health environment of a secondary educational institution

Hubina O. Empowering learning process in Ukrainian higher educational establishments by means of e-learning technologies

Gusak L., Smalko L. Formation of communicative competence of future teachers

Demianchuk M. Ensuring the educational independence of higher education acquisitions in medical academies in the conditions of digitalization of the educational process

Dido N., Kravets O., Mynda O. Teaching English neologisms for the students learning English for specific purposes

Doronina T., Kulbach L. Informal civic education: its role and place in the democratization process of society

Durmanenko E., Klish I. Study of the level of socialization of education acquisitioners with special educational needs

Durmanenko O. Formation of evaluation and analytical competence in future teachers of pre-school education institutions

Zviekova S. Educational and research activities through the prism of requirements for the professional training of future bachelors of special education

Ivanashko O., Kozak A., Knysh T. Effectiveness and efficiency of the educational process in higher education in the conditions of crisis phenomena

Ishchenko O. Features of technological process automation training methods for future technologists

Knysh T., Radavska O., Panchenko V. Coaching as a pedagogical technology of foreign language teaching in institutions of higher education

Kozulya V., Skyba Yu. The evolution of the approach to the implementation of the policy of inclusion in the Communiqué of the conferences of ministers of the countries participating in the Bologna Process.

Koycheva T., Wang Xiaogang. Analytical competence as a phenomenon of modern scientific and pedagogical discourse

Kuzmina M. Development of organizational conditions for the formation of professional competences of the future graduate of a higher education institution on the example of the specialty “231 – Social work”

Kurienkova A. The application of innovative technology “Scribing” in work with children with speech disorders

Kushnir L., Kibenko L., Horiachok I. Activity-based approach in the organization of blended learning for students

Kushniruk S., Bondarchuk I. Еducational and professional environment as an integrated means of accumulation and implementation of the innovative potential of teachers and students of the university's vocational college

Levkivska K., Davydovych M., Verhun Т., Lykhoshved N. Axiological component of foreign language training of modern specialists.

Liapunova V., Nehrii O. The role of the family in the education of tolerance of young children

Mazur S. Moral autonomy of adolescents in the social context

Marchuk I. Implementation of state educational narratives on the territory of Ukraine: key aspects and innovations

Melnyk A. Implementation of a blended learning course for future English language teachers

Mesarosh L. Mathematical competencies of science students

Mуchka-Levchenko Yu. Efficiency of using integrated educational and methodological media complex at vocational schools

Opanasenko N., Chernenko H. The principle of cultural relevance in the training of future specialists of primary education institutions

Paladych O. Prerequisites for the volunteer movement formation in the field of special education in Ukraine (XIX – early XX century)

Palasevych I., Fedorovych A. Artistic-pedagogical communication as a tool formation of art-creative competence of preschooler

Parzhnytskyi V., Savenko O. Global and Ukrainian experience in involving enterprises in the development of adult education

Romanchuk N. O. Formation of professional and value orientations of prospective engineer’s preparation process

Rudyk Т. The role of mathematics in the humanitarization of education

Serdiuk H. Development of research competence of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in the conditions of martial law

Sytnik Т. The role of the press conference and work in small creative groups as interactive teaching methods (on the topic “Development of higher medical education in Ukraine”)

Smyrnova I., Korniat V., Matsko V. Digital competence of the modern teacher: a challenge of today or lifelong learning

Stechkevych О. The concept of the teacher's digital competence formation in the conditions of informal education

Khromchenko O. Peculiarities of teaching new generations of digital natives in the english language classes

Chychenova O., Novikova I. Lukachyna A. The impact of physical education on the academic success of students and the formation of a new outlook on a healthy lifestyle to improve the demographic situation in the country

Hornous V. Foreign language communicative competence of the future pharmacists at foreign language classes

Chupakhina S., Kyrsta N., Kindrachuk N. Development of auditory memory in children with speech disorders

Chursanova M., Gareeva F., Matvieieva T., Drozdenko O. The use of interdisciplinary relations during the formation of the “Electric field vector” concept

Shmyrko V., Korobko A., Parada O., Trojan J. Aspects of the psychology of non-standard behavior of a teenagers on in the minds of an over-the-top situation

Jakychuk S. The use of expressive means of Borys Liatoshynskyi in revealing the images and intonation of choral works (using an example of the cantata “Testament”)

Shvardak M. Praxeological Approach In Professional Training of Future Teachers of Primary Grades of General Secondary Education Institutions