Naukovyi Chasopys № 88

Title page


Yevtukh V. University of social oriented learning (USOL): conception of an adaptive model for educational space of Ukraine

Alendar N. Ways of optimizing the motor activity of preschool children in the conditions of a preschool education institution

Baldyniuk O. Provision of social services to internally displaced people in Ukraine under the martial law conditions

Bei I., Chuprovska M. Interdisciplinary integration as a means of professional training f future educators in the educational process of the professional college

Bovsunivskyi V. Development of emotial intelligence of modern students in the process of artistic communication

Bondarenko Yu., Pozniak O. Increasing the professional level of teaching staff of the general secondary education institution in the field of inclusive education/ from work experience

Brovchenko A. Formation of a national continuous design education system as an urgent task of today

Buzdugan O., Vizniuk V. Formation of the cognitive component of future teachers’ readiness for the use of digital technologies in ensuring the quality of distance learning

Vyshkivska V., Patlaichuk O., Stupak O. Modern education system: innovative trajector of development

Vlasova I. Funding for university industry and community engagement: experience of Great Britain

Hevchuk N., Zhyliak N. The program for the development of foreign students readiness of socionomic specialties for the volunteer activities in Ukraine

Hnatovska K. Formation of tolerance in future teachers in the process of learning in high schools

Honcharuk O. Specific formation of pedagogical partnership competence in future primary class teachers

Gusak L., Smalko L. Linguo didactic framework of associative teaching a foreign language

Dudko S. Theoretical foundations of the competence approach in the educational process of a general educational institution

Durmanenko O. Study of the readiness of future educators to ensure the quality of preschool education

Ivah S. Pedagogical conditions of personally-oriented development of older preschool child in the conditions of a pre-school education institution

Kachak T., Krul L., Lytvyn N. The lecture as the main genre of academic rhetoric: comparison of classic and modern models

Kvasnytsia I., Ferenchuk B., Tsisar V., Dmytryshyn N. Cognitive component in the context of competitiveness formation of student specialists in physical culture and sport

Knyazheva I. Methodological support of the professional formation of future teachers in the conditions of university education

Kostenko O. Application of author's technology in the formation of professional competencies of future accountants

Kuzmin V., Kuzmina M., Balukhtina O., Barshatska H., Shcherbyna S. Sociological and psychological-pedagogical technologies in practical social work

Kurienkova A. The practice of using the TAN-Soderberg global reading methodology when working with students with autistic spectrum disorders

Lazarieva K., Nefedchenko O. Heuristic dialogue technique in the formation of inquiry activity skills of primary school pupils

Lievit D. Creating a stage image for vocalist students

Lymarenko V. Formation of methodological competence of the future head of a vocal ensemble on the basis of edutainment: a comparative analysis of an experimental study

Lysenko N., Matishak M. Independent work of students: ways of improvement

Makarenko L., Pevse A. Didactic potential of digital technologies in the system of professional training of philological profile specialists

Marchenko O., Sydorenko I. Methodological and theoretical basis formation of officer’s professional culture as an actual problem of military vocational training

Nesik L., Lykhoshved N., Svysyuk O. Sociocultural characteristics of the written speech of the students of language specialties in different domains of communication

Ostrovska M. Development of the speech environment in younger schoolchildren through the introduction of innovative technologies in modern schools

Pavlysh T. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the efficiency of scientific and methodological work in institutions of higher education with specific learning conditions

Pavlova N. Professional training of computer science teacher through the educational and professional program of «secondary education (computer science)»

Reut Ye., Kriuchkov S., Yavorska N., Martyniuk O. Physical education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and personality development factor: a valuable aspect

Sasina I., Palamar O., Grebeniuk T., Kupriianova T., Medvedok L. Improvement of the system of social and psychological rehabilitation of military servants who received visual impairment as a consequence of combat actions

Senyk A. To the problem of update of educational technologies in the professional training of modern social workers: technology of memories

Solnyshkina A. Application of the creative potential of the art – therapy in the social –pedagogical work with children of refugees and internal displaced persons

Somenko D., Somenko O. Creation of a material and technical base based on didactic principles that ensure the professional training of students of the specialty: 015.39 Professional education (Digital technologies)

Stoliarchuk L. Forms of organizing the professional training of bachelors in the field of law at Canadian universities

Strelbytska S. Professional maturity as a component of personal professionalism: conceptual principles

Feketa I. Observance of the principles of academic honor by students of natural specialties

Сhaychenko V., Sarienko V., Bondarenko T. Logic-didactic structure of individual cognitive activity while learning

Chornobryva N. Historiogenesis of digitization of medical education of future specialists of nursing

Shapran O., Sidiropulo K. Methodological approaches and principles of formation of managerial competence of future teachers of higher education institutions

Sharova T., Lomeiko O., Zemlyanska A., Sharov S. Monitoring of humanitarian training of higher education students of technical specialties

Yakovenko O. On the issue of developing project competence of scientific and pedagogical workers

Yan Zhenyu. Methodical activity of teachers faculties of arts of teaching institutions of Ukraine

Yashchuk O. Foreign language training of future cyber security engineers as an educational topicality