Naukovyi Chasopys № 83

Title page


Androsova N. M. Preparing prospective elementary school teachers to use pedagogical technology to develop critical thinking

Bobkova І. А., Burianova V. V., Uminska K. А., Khranivska V. A. Algorithmization of professional training for implementation of program learning results in professional disciplines of pharmaceutical specialization

Boiko S. O., Volkova O. A., Moiseienko S. M. Ways of developing motivation of students of technical specialties for mastering English for Professional Purposes under the conditions оf online learning mode

Bukach M. M. Education of elderly people as an essential educational problem

Vovchasta N. Ya., Semenyshyna I. V., Bairamova O. V. Application of innovative pedagogical technologies in training of technical specialists

Haiduchenko A. H. Organization of educational process in the conditions of remote studying with the use of learning platforms and services.

Glyanenko K. A. Information technologies during the formation of project competence in the process of professional training of future teachers

Goncharova O. A., Maslova A. V. Feedback in education: problems and prospects

Hrytsaenko L. M. Formation of digital competence in future teachers during the process of studying rhetoric

Hutsuliak L. I. Socio-pedagogical conditions of reintegration of children from disadvantaged families in the conditions of the boarding school

Datsenko M. S. Innovative principles of developing the creative potential of a future music teacher

Zavirukha L. A., Bilozerova O. V., Markhalevuch T. S. Features of the integration of knowledge about articulatory notation in the sonatas of Joseph Haydn in the content of instrumental training of future teachers of music

Zaitseva I. O., Korobova Yu. V. Peculiarities of distance learning organization and its didactic opportunities

Kitsai Ya. V., Kustinsky O. V. Peculiarities of methodical work on conducting training classes in the process of fire training of future border officers

Klochok O. M. Еmpirical research of social-educational support rehabilitated drug addicts in self-help groups

Kokorina L. V. The impact of pedagogical communication on learning motivation of schoolchildren

Kondratieva A. V. Introduction of partnership pedagogy in primary school

Kordonova A. V. Components of the content of teaching bachelors History of Ukraine by means of English

Kurok R. О. Directions of developing legal competence of economic colleges’ teaching staff

Levchenko N. V. Regulatory documents in the field of youth work: international aspect

Lymarenko V. I. Pedagogical conditions of formation of methodical competence of the future leader of vocal ensemble on the basis of edutaiment

Lysak L. K., Hryhorieva V. A. Use of the Padlet virtual bulletin board in the process of teaching humanities in higher education institutions

Liutyi V. P., Kulia V. O. Social support of persons registered by probation: current state, problems and ways to overcome them

Martyniuk А. К. Odessa Choral School in the artistic and educational space of Semen Dorohyi

Melnyk O. F., Volkova S. Y., Shemet O. F. Complianse with the reguirements of a systemic approach in the organization of educational work in the institutions of professional prehigher education

Pershko I. O. Experience in teaching biology with the fundamentals of genetics in the pharmaceutical college

Petruk O. V. Іnternational practice of training lawyers military branch

Pinchuk L. M. Educational technology ‘Blended Learning’ in the context of learner-centred approach

Polishchuk N. V. Training of specialists in the specialty “Professional education (Sphere of service (hotel and restaurant business, tourism)” in higher education institutions: tasks, problems, prospects

Svirchevska L. M. Latest approaches to improving the reading of lectures on pharmacognosy with the purpose of the quality enhancement of training of future pharmacists

Serhata N. S., Serhatyi M. O. Practical training of students of specialty “Physical culture and sports” in the conditions of dissentional education

Skaskiv H. M. Introduction of gamification technologies in the educational process.

Spyrydonova Y. O. Specificity and features of increasing the level of legal competence of bachelors of technical specialties in the conditions of the college

Stets H. V., Kyshakevych S. V. Modern methods of teaching music art in school

Strilets-Babenko O. V. Formation of research skills in future social teachers by project method

Suvorova L. K., Muzychuk V. V., Protsiuk I. Ye. Implementation of the principles of modular learning in the process of communicative competence formation in students of pharmaceutical teaching facility

Temnikova I. M., Temnikov V. V. Optimization of speech development of preschool children

Tubychko Yu. O. Development of dialogical speech in elder preschool age children with moderate mental delay

Tsisaruk V. Yu., Tsisaruk I. V. The problem of formation of professional competence of the future teacher in pedagogical theory and practice

Chahrak N. I., Zhumbei M. M., Kopchak L. V. Use of electronic didactic resources in teaching English language business course

Chepelevskaya M. M., Gurevych R. S. Development of a mechanism for the implementation of vocational training in the tourism industry

Chervonska L. M. Postnonclassical meanings of pedagogical definition of the essence of academic culture of applicants for higher professional education

Cherepania M. T. Transcarpathian preschool education in the interwar period (1919–1938)

Cherkashyn S. V. The views of German scientists on the ways of overcoming the crisis of the university in the conditions of knowledge society and global civilization challenges

Shaparenko Kh. A., Bakumenko T. K. Use of “Critical Thinking” technology as a means of personal self-development and self-improvement of students of pedagogical institutions of higher education

Shevchenko О. А. Modern approaches to the modernization of the content of education in the circles of the initial technical profile

Shtykhaliuk V. I., Pavliuk N. M., Kalachniuk V. M. Basic fundamentals of Mykysha's vocal methodology

Yunyk I. D. The specifics of development management of university professor's brand

Yatsenko V. V. Pedagogical skills in teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines to educators at the present stage

Sevastiuk M. S. The democratization of the educational process in the professional training of future primary school teachers