Naukovyi Chasopys №72 Part 1

Title page


Adamiuk N. B. Gesture assistive technology for students with hearing impairments

Andriichuk Yu. M., Severina L. Ye., Tabak N. V. Functional development of tall adolescents

Anisimova O. E. The researching of the level of formationof the ability to partnership in future educators of preschool education

Anishchenko V. О. Analysis results of traditional training system of penitentiary officers in Ukraine

Antonenko I. I. Teaching professionally oriented written communication in foreign language to future professionals

Apostol O. V. Professional image of teachers in higher education institutions as a problem of pedagogical theory and practice

Atakishiev Elvin Mubariz oglu. On the role of grammar and phonetics in the study of Russian as a foreign language

Ashykhmina N. V. Some methodical aspects of development of emotionality of prospective teachers of music art in the process of performing training

Bader S. O. The factors of formation value-sense orientations of future educators of kindergarten

Bakumenko R. O. Informational and analytical competence development of operational-tactical level officers

Batareina I. O. Content of moral education of pupils of primary schools of Ukraine

Bashkir О. І. Informatization as a requirement for education development in PRC

Baiun K. Y. On the subject of German in institutions of secondary education (as the second foreign language)

Berezneva I. M. Aspects of organization of problem-oriented learning the English language in Higher Military Establishment

Berestok O. V., Kurinnyj O. V., Shcherbyna Y. M. Application of information communication technologies as means of knowledge formation in the foreign language teaching process in higher educational institutions

Biliakovska O. O. Research methodology of teacher training in the context of quality assurance

Boiko H. I. Studying reflexive verbs by foreign students at classes in Ukrainian as a foreign technical universities

Bondar T. V. Periodical publications of the scientific Scientific and Educational Society «Knowledge» in Ukraine as the source of pedagogical and social and political education

Bryndikov Yu. L. Concept of the purpose of the functioning of the complex rehabilitation center and assistance to the participants of the military actions on the basis of the Khmelnitsky National University

Bukhnieva О. A., Bankul L. D. Structure of professional competence of future music art teachers

Voinalovych L. P. Actualization of content aspects of teachers’ training for schools of national minorities in conditions of multiethnic environment

Volkova L. V. Features of communicative approach implementation in the foreign language study process

Vrubel H. F. Artistic and pedagogical interpretation of choral works as professional competence of the future teacher of music art

Haborets O. A., Sherman Z. O. Mathematical statistics as a necessary component of professional training of future doctors

Haharin M. I. Modern approaches to the design of the educational system of the general secondary education

Hyliarska O. I. Methodological approaches to the formation of professionally oriented rhetorical competence of future teachers in pedagogical colleges and ways of their realization

Hrygorieva V. A. The System of Training Civil Engineers at Technical Universities in Germany

Huzynina T. V. Innovative approaches to the organization of language activities at foreign language lessons in higher military educational institutions

Gula L.V. Ways of activization of educational – cognitive activities of students in the process of organization of independent work

Humenyuk. S. V. Analysis оf pedagogical experiment results on the productive pedagogical thinking of future physical education teachers

Hurin R. S., Titova H. V., Yatsii O. M. Development of the levels of future teachers’ acmeological formation

Davydiuk H. M. Mastering the method of using knowledge maps (Mindmapling) by students of the Pedagogical College

Demchenko M. О. Theoretical analysis of the structure of future preschool teacher’ methodical competence

Denysenko N. H., Marchuk S. S., Nait N. F. Competences with mobility content in the matrixes of National educational programs of training of future Physical Education teachers

Derkachenko Yu. V., Yakovenko Yu. L., Yemelianova A. O. Project method as one of the effective technologies of developing students’ critical thinking in the study of historical and legal disciplines

Dimitrova S. D., Girya N. P. Development of student’s creative abilities in the process of higher mathematics teaching

Dmytruk Z. А. Strategies for positioning the institution of general secondary education in the regional market of educational services

Dovbnia S. O., Shulihina R. A. Theoretical and methodological leading of preschool children play activity

Dotsenko N. A. Model of preparation of barchelors in agricultural engineering for professional activities in conditions of informational and educational environment

Dubina L. O. Pedagogical conditions of formation of proffessional responsibility of the worker in dual education

Dudka T. Yu. Pedagogical accents of professional training of future managers to realize monitoring functions of regional tourist potential

Durmanenko O. L. The communicative culture of the preschool teacher of the institution of preschool education as a component of pedagogical skill

Zhuravska N., Yashchuk S., Magay І. Development of management potential of the head of the education: social responsibility philosophy

Zavitrenko D. Zh., Radchenko M. R., Zavitrenko A. M. Equine therapy as a method of rehabilitation of children with developments in development

Ihnatenko V. D., Pylypei Yu. A. Personality-activity approach to autonomous formation of the competence in translation

Karpenko Y. P. Innovative methods in the organization of scientific and research students’ activities in institutions of higher medical education

Kyryliuk S. D. Peculiarities of formation of social activity of graduates in outdoor activities

Kyrian T. I. Formation of Family Medicine in Ukraine in the Context of World Integration Processes in the late 20th – early 21st century

Klieba A. I. Digital competence of future computer science teachers of higher education

Kozak Kh. I. Pedagogical training of future pharmaceuticals specialists’ on the basis of deontological approach

Koziar M. M., Krivtsov V. V., Parfeniuk O. V., Krivtsov V. V. Statistical analysis of drawings and without them

Korol A. М. The quality of higher education in Ukraine: essence and factors of influence

Kosenko Yu. The state of school social science education in Ukraine in the 60-th – 90-th of the XX century

Kostolovych T. V. Linguistic bases of communicative competence formation at modern lessons of the Ukrainian language during phonetics and orthoepy teaching

Kokhan D. M. Axiological approach to the problem of formation of a noble attitude towards a woman

Kryvorotko-Taifur K. S. Features of foreign languages teachers’ training in the Universities of Germany (the beginning of the 21st century)

Kryvoruchko I. Ya. Analysis of the experience of using the intellect card method in the system of higher military education of Ukraine

Kuzma-Kachur M. I., Horvat M. V., Siheii K. I. Primary school stdents’ creative abilities development in the process of forming natural competences: a methodological approach

Kutsyn E. K. Psychophysiological mechanism of music therapy and its influence on the student

Kushpit U. V. Мodeling of foreign language competence formation process for a future teacher of Physics