Naukovyi Chasopys № 90

Title page


Aprielieva I. Use of teambuilding technology in the context of implementing partnership pedagogics in pre-school education institutions

Bahlai О. English for future tourism specialists: pilgrimage tourism

Balukhtina O. Theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of the social service temporary rest for parents or persons who replace them who care for children with disabilities

Bulharu N., Radius O. Main principles of organizing the role-playing games in teaching the English language at higher technical educational institution

Vakaliuk T., Antoniuk D., Novitska I., Medvedieva M. Digital transformation of higher education: abroad and domestic experience

Wen Xiaojing, Korsun I. The research competency in the system of training future teachers

Vistyzenko K., Chagovets A. Theoretical foundations of the formation of speech competence of an individual in a bilingual environment

Hnydiuk О. Development of health-preserving competence of future border guard officers: practical aspects of physical education.

Dzhym V., Kanunova L. Analysis of training classes of senior secondary school students engaged in the heavy athletics section

Dubinina N. Technology of application of multimedia tools in the process of preparing students of engineering and construction universities for educational and future professional activities (on the example of integrated lessons from special components and English language)

Zamsha A., Fedorenko O. The habilitation therapy as a component of foreign language education of deaf children in elementary school

Ishchenko L. Preparation of future educators for the development of creative skills of preschool children by means of vocabulary enrichment and activation

Koval I. The concept of psychopedagogy in the industries of human security

Kolyadenko S., Lityaga I. Use of projective metaphorical association cards "pockets" in the process of training social sphere specialists

Lymar L. Methodical e-portfolio as a means of training academic communicative competence of future medical doctors of philosophy

Lysenko N., Lysenko O., Matishak M. Preparation of future masters for the implementation of the latest technologies in the environmental education of preschool children

Liubar R. The formation of professional self-consciousness of the future teachers of musical art in practical activities

Marionda I., Mordvintsev H. The role of adaptive physical education in the system of pedagogical education

Mova L., Marchenko V. Nature of body is in context of dance in realities of war

Nanivska L., Lozynskyi P. To the issue of training future Army officers for intercultural communication in professional activity

Narovlyanskiy O. Domestic experience of training of heads of pupils' excursions in 1900–1917

Pistriak P., Bielashov Yu., Samsonova G., Shabatura S., Martunenko O. The results of the research and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of future officers of the NGU to use the anti-tank missile complex "Stugna-P" in various conditions of service and combat activity

Pokrova S. Evaluation and analytical competence in the structure of the professional activity of a primary class teacher

Rudyk T., Sulima O., Danilenko A. Reasons of low motivation to study higher mathematics among technical university students and ways to eliminate them

Sytnik Т. Organization of work in small groups for future nurses in classes of disciplines of the humanitarian cycle

Stechkevych О. A synergistic system of forming a teacher’s digital competence in the context of an andragogic approach

Tolmachova I., Yaroshenko I. Critical thinking technology as a tool for training future primary school teachers for the implementation of pedagogy of partnership

Chervonska L. Update of the concept of "academic values" as a content-procedure marker of the academic culture of students of higher professional education

Shvets T. Experience of implementation of tutoring in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland