Naukovyi Chasopys № 78
Title page
Abiltarova E. N. Goals of forming professional safety culture of future occupational safety and health engineers
Avramenko B. V. Analysis of phonetic terminology of the Turkish language as a component of the cognitive component of phonetic competence of future philologists-Turkologists
Babakina O. O. Ideological-political, socio-economic and organizational-pedagogical factors of development of professional development system of research-teaching staff of HEIs of Great Britain (90s of the XX century – early XXI century).
Bardus I. O., Zavoloka E. E. Analysis of professional activity of bachelor of professional education in the field of digital technologies
Bereza R. P., Tytskyi I. A., Dunduk O. I., Nazariichuk O. V. Visualization of the educational process as a means of effective training of a modern warrior
Bodrova I. O. Essence and specificity of professional self-determination of future social workers in modern Ukrainian conditions
Bubin A. O., Boiarchuk S. I., Tsypliuk A. M. Professional training of preschool education specialists in the conditions of distance learning: organizational and pedagogical aspects
Burak V. G. Foreign experience of training future professionals in hotel and restaurant business
Bhinder N. V. Formation of information literacy among future officers at the English lessons
Bialyk O. V., Kudla M. V. Methodological principles of sexual education of youth: European vector
Havrylenko K. M. Foreign language teaching in the system of distance education
Handabura O. V. Connectivist learning theory at developing modern foreign language teaching model
Horobets S. I. Rhetorical training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature with the help of tasks on a text basis, as an object of theoretical analysis in pedagogical practice
Dudina O. V. Training of bachelors in medicine at Chinese universities
Diatlenko T. I. Implementation of reflection-activity approach to the methodical preparation of the future teacher of Ukrainian literature
Ivanchuk S. A. The essence of the concept of ecologically appropriate behaviour of children of preschool age
Ivegesh A. V. Features of educational activity of educational institutions of sports profile of Ukraine
Kaidalova L. G. Development of pedagogical skills of masters of educational and pedagogical sciences
Kanarova O. V. Traditions and innovations as a resource of spiritual-patriotic education of children of preschool age
Kanibolotska O. A. Ways of creating information and communication background for successful study of a foreign language by students of philological specialties
Klymus T. M., Herus O. I., Kozak M. Ya. Floortime method in the work of a teacher with children with special educational needs
Klochok O. M. Essence and features of self-help groups for rehabilitated drug addicts
Kniazian M. O., Romaniuk D. Kh. The theoretical basis of future teachers’ training to cultivate pupils’ tolerance
Kozulya V. M., Skyba Yu. A. SWOT-analysis of inclusive educational environment of domestic universities
Kolesnikova I. V. Digitalization of the educational process in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education
Kornytska Yu. A., Narodovska O. M. Developing reading skills in a flipped class: an algorithm
Kostenko L. D. The formation and development of the theory of out-of- school education in the history of pedagogy
Lakatosh M. O. Structural-functional model of training of future agricultural specialists for professional activity
Lopukhina T. V. Improving the professional competence of teachers in the field of special and inclusive education
Mankovska O. Yu. Choreographic techniques as effective means in professional training of future actors
Martsikhiv K. R. Regulatory and operational components in the professional journalists’ training at the American and Ukrainian universities: comparative aspect
Mykhailov V. M. Main features of the civil security specialists’ advanced training
Mukan N. V., Mukan O. V., Dragan R. V. Blended learning: essence and features of implementation
Nabatov S. M. Theatre specialists’ profesional training in the USA: universaty educational process aspects
Onyshchenko N. P. Application of the technological approach in the training of future teachers in the study of pedagogical disciplines
Pavlova O. H. Axiological fundamentals of professional training of future primary school teachers
Pashchuk Yu. M., Kamentsev D. S., Pasichnyk S. M., Serhiienko T. M. Problems of teaching English to cadets in high military education institutions
Romanova T. A. Conceptual bases of formation of readiness of future specialists in special education for activity in inclusive group of preschool educational institution
Rudiuk T. V. The problem of bullying and the study of family tokens (communicative-activity approach)
Sadykina A. S. Theoretical principles formation of future psychologists’ media competence in in the context of their professionalism
Senchyna N. H. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development of professional pedagogical thinking of future teachers
Siladi V. V. Learning strategies as means of forming culture of foreign language communication
Slabko V. M., Makievsky O. I. Features of formation of professional competences of future specialists of the transport industry in the process of studying special disciplines
Solonska A. A. Peculiarities of organizational and pedagogical conditions of patriotic education in the process of parental-educational interaction
Stoliarchuk L. B. Competency-based approach to future lawyers’ professional training at Canadian universities
Stiahunova O. O. The methodical pre-school education priorities of Donetsk region (2015–2020)
Sukholova M. A. The main factors influencing the stage image of a vocal teacher in modern conditions
Tytarenko V. M. Healthy lifestyle is an integral component of the educational process at the faculty of technologies and design
Khalaidzhi S. V., Yahotin R. S., Kananykhina E. N., Sergeeva T. P. Use of «Health passport» in the process of physical education of student
Tsytsiura K. V. Comparative analysis of educational and professional programs for bachelors’ professional training in Business Economics in Chinese and Ukrainian universities
Shynkarenko V. V., Klimova L. V., Mikhina N. O., Kuprienko V. I. Peculiarities of patriotic education of children in preschool age
Shut T. O. Modern approach to the formation of pedagogical artistism of students in the conditions of the choral class of the higher institution of pedagogical education
Yakovleva V. A., Vlasenko R. P., Andriichuk T. V., Demchuk N. S. Peculiarities of pedagogical modeling of cognitive independence of students in the process of studying the course «Ukraine and world economy»
Yalovsky P. M. Pedagogical conditions of forming future music teachers’ professional competence in the process of learning special disciplines