Naukovyi Chasopys № 85

Title page


Avramenko B. V. Analysis of mistakes in the process of learning Turkey phonetics

Babych V. І., Dubovoi V. V., Dubovoi О. V., Babych L. M., Galiuza S. S. Formation of social health of children with special needs in the conditions of inclusive education

Belinska T. V., Gazinska O. V., Strebkova D. V., Naumenko I. V. Formation of artistic and creative tolerance of future teachers-musicians in the process of conducting and choral training

Belous I. V., Naumenko O. M., Stuchynska N. V. Use of personified cloud-oriented environment in teaching professional medical disciplines

Bilozerska H. O., Sizova N. S., Kravtsova N. Ye., Kravchenko I. M. Technology of development of critical thinking of the future teacher-musician in choir conducting classes

Boyko G. I. Advantages and disadvantages of the virtual learning environment from Ukrainian as a foreign language for students of the 2nd course of technical higher education institution

Brovko K. A., Durdas A. P., Sopova D. O., Androshchuk K. H. Development of students’ cognitive interest by media tools in the process of learning a foreign language for professional purposes: scientific and ethical approach

Butsyk I. M. Peculiarities of the organization of group learning activities of students in the conditions of mixed learning in higher education institutions

Wang Yingzhi. Problems of modern piano training of music teachers in China

Vasilenko L. M. Vocal training of music students based on the hedonistic imperative of a person

Vasylyshynа O. V. Technologies for the implementation of didactic tasks for the effective formation of the readiness of future managers of organizations for management activities in the conditions of free economic zone

Voronina H. R., Meleshko I. V., Kriukova Ye. S., Yamshynska N. V. Effective strategies of learning ESP vocabulary for technical students

Gareeva F. M., Chursanova M. V., Savchenko D. V., Matvieieva T. V. Improving the efficiency of studying physics by foreign students by means of digital technologies

Hryhorenko H. V., Hryhorenko D. P. Interaction of the subjects of educational process of professional-pedagogical training of specialists in the field of physical education

Hrytsenko A. P., Ukhnal O. M. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of information and communication competence of future history teachers in the process of professional training

Dembitska O. O., Haidai S. I., Khapsalis H. L., Chaichenko N. L. Application of innovative technologies in the process of physical education of student youth

Demianchuk M. R. Didactic potential of courses “Human Health Examination and Assessment” and “Medical and Social Rehabilitation” in the formation of the professional competence of bachelors in nursing

Yemelyanova D. V. Formation of language and cultural tolerance of Ukrainian students when teaching the Chinese language

Zhuravska N. S. Forms of organization and methods of learning based on self-knowledge

Ivakh S. М. Methodical aspects of improving pedagogical skills of the teacher in a modern preschool institution

Kiryanova O. V., Dolgopol O. O. Theoretical aspects of language education of foreign students

Levchenko N. V. Youth clubs: domestic and international experience

Makarenko A. V., Yakovenko V. G., Burov Yu. V. Modular approach to the development of curricula in professional disciplines in the process of training physical education

Maksymova K. V., Soina I. Yu., Petrusenko N. Yu. Determination of the level of satisfaction of students’ quality of life during different fitness programs in various types of educational institutions of Kharkiv

Melnyk A. Yu., Strelnykova Yе. Yа. The development of high-speed power abilities of volleyball players through the use of a set of exercises according to Tabata protocol

Mesarosh L. V. Professional competencies of future teachers of physics and mathematics

Nevzorov R. V. Peculiarities of pedagogical measurement of the operational component of professional readiness for combat flights of future pilots of tactical aviation

Omelchuk V. V. Vasyl Sukhomlynsky’s thoughts and pieces of advice on raising a woman-mother and a man-father

Opanasenko N. I., Chernenko H. M. Academic integrity as one of the requirements for writing research papers by Masters of Primary Education

Piddubtseva O. I. Peculiarities of the organisation of blended learning in foreign languages at higher agricultural education institutions

Pozniak O. S. Problems of creating an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions

Ponomarenko T. O., Kuzina O. T. Cognitive activity of preschool children as a phenomenon of scientific research

Rezunova O. S., Perederii O. L. Formation of pedagogical self-efficacy of a teacher as an integral part of his innovative professional activity

Remzi I. V., Aksonov V. V., Kalashnyk D. S. The influence of Ukrainian folk physical culture on the state of physical fitness of higher education students

Rybalko A. P., Denysova T. V. Organization of online learning in higher mathematics during quarantine

Rudyk T. O., Sulima O. V. Considering professional competence of a teacher of higher mathematics at the technical university

Sika Yu. М. Methodical principles of conducting and choral culture formation of the future specialists in the conditions of pedagogical higher education institutions

Slobodyanyk A. D., Mokliuk M. O., Silvestr A. M. Possibilities of modern mathematical editors in studying theory of oscillations in higher educational institutions

Solovey A. M., Bohuslavskyi V. V., Zhuravel A. A., Bilan D. A., Markov R. A. Features and analysis of the implementation of free throws in handball

Starodubtseva K. V. Certification of teachers: regional aspect of implementation

Stechkevych О. О. System of methods for development of the information and communication competences of future teachers

Storonska O. S. The formation of linguodidactic competence of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions in Germany

Suiatynova K. Ye. National-speech personality: state of definition research

Tverdokhlib T. S., Mai Wen. Features of pedagogical training of future teachers of art disciplines in modern institutions of higher education of Ukraine

Khromchenko O. V. From creative to academic writing

Chervonenko K. S. Formation of professional mobility of future social workers by means of volunteer activity

Chichenova O. M., Novikova I. V., Ganul O. V. Internal intuition and its importance during the educational process of technical blows of table tennis games and students ‘participation in competitions

Chornobai B. V. Peculiarities of assessing agricultural engineers readiness to apply innovative technologies during the study of agricultural machinery

Shumylo M. Yu. Theoretical principles of medical education development in the USA

Yahotin R. S., Serhyeyeva T. P., Khalaydzhi S. V., Kananykhina O. N. Influence of moderate exercises and natural factors on the functional state of the student’s body

Yakymovych T. D., Zinchuk I. V., Mychka-Levchenko Yu. Z. Particularities of formation of the modern teachers’ video culture