Naukovyi Chasopys № 76

Title page


Bondar V. I., Adamenko L. O. Pedagogical image and its formation and development in the process of teacher training

Andriichuk O. I. Teacher’s readiness for professional development in the form of distance learning in synchronous or asynchronous mode

Bosa V. P. Criteria for assessing the quality of training of future philologists

Burchak S. O. Creative forms and methods of control OS educational achievements of applicants in pedagogical university

Veritov O. I. Use of distance learning methods in the process of forming entrepreneurial culture of educators

Vynohradova O. V. System of modern social work with children with disabilities: traditions and innovations

Vrubel H. F. Bulding professional competence of an intending music teacher at choral conducting lessons

Hevko I. V. Professional training of students of higher education institutions by means of digital technologies

Hlinchuk Yu. O. The model of formation of professional labor protection competence of students of the specialty «Primary Education»

Horokhivska Т. М. Organizing the development of professional-pedagogical competency in lecturers of professional disciplines from technical universities

Hruzevych T. Yu. Retrospective analysis of civil personality education in foreign philosophical and pedagogical science

Denysenko I. I., Tarasiuk A. M. Online learning at a high school: content, technologies

Dmitriieva N. S. Project methods of teaching the discipline «Physical Education» in higher education institutions

Yevtushenko N. V. Characteristics of the system of development of qualification of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects in postgraduate education of Ukraine

Zaiachkivska N. M., Leshchak T. V. Principles of choice and application of educational technologies by the teacher of an establishment of higher education

Isayeva O. S., Shumylo M. Yu. Introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process of medical students

Kyselyov V. O. The essence of ready of future teachers of physical culture for innovative professional activity on the basis of a holistic approach

Kniazian M. O. Pedagogical conditions of the future teachers’ training for the facilitation interaction with school students

Kovalenko A. S. Development of music education in Ukraine in the early twentieth century: historical and pedagogical analysis (on the example of guitar art)

Korshevniuk T. V. Theoretical and methodological foundations of content formation of variable component in specialized secondary biological education in Ukraine

Kudriavtseva H. I. Criteria, indicators and levels of the formation of professional responsibility of the National Police future officers

Kushnir I. M. Principles of selection of learning content Ukrainian language for foreign applicants of higher medical education institutions

Lazorenko S. A. Information and educational environment of higher education institution as a basis for the development of information and digital culture of future specialists in physical culture and sports

Lastovets Yu. M. Formation of social-economic competencies in the students of technical and technological colleges

Moshkovskyy O. M. Gender approach to physical education of women as future military doctors

Nykonenko N. V. The systemic transformation of educational forms for individuals with disabilities in the USA

Potapchuk O. I., Lutsyk I. B. Peculiarities of the professional competence of the teacher as a condition for the effective training of future professionals in vocational education

Prokopenko I. V., Savka I. V. Conceptual fundamentals of prevention of the professional burnout of a university teacher

Prosіana D. I., Tomchenko M. A. Webinar as a form of development of professional competencies of future scientific and pedagogical workers

Rudiuk T. V. Family vocabulary as a tool for improving interpersonal relationships (communicative-activity approach)

Sevastyuk M. S., Slabko V. M. Personality and professional development of the future primary school teacher in the process of studying, research and implementation of education

Serhata N. S. Method of evaluation of students in the course “Sports massage and self-massage”

Skrypnyk N. I. Students’ individual work in humanities and pedagogical college as a component of the educational process

Smakovskij Yu. V. Professional training of future teachers of music art in the conditions of distance learning

Tokar L. P., Shevchenko L. S. Combination of theoretical and practical training of future teachers of preschool education institutions for the implementation of interactive technologies in an inclusive educational environment

Filippova L. V. Creation of electronic training courses in medical institutions

Khlon N. V., Kmec A. M. Formation of readiness of future teachers of biology and natural sciences for conducting natural excursions with primary school students