Naukovyi Chasopys № 79, Part 1

Title page


Aksakova N. A. Peculiarities of teaching humanities for technical educators

Anishchenko V. О. Pedagogical competence formation of future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine in context of graduate professional training

Antipova Zh. I., Barsukova T. O. Badminton – effective means of physical education of students

Antipova Zh. I., Shurkhal L. O. Aerobics for students in physical education classes in higher education institutions

Balatsynova A. D. Curator’s Council of the Kyiv Educational District activities for fund management (1835–1881)

Barnych O. V., Kravchenko I. M., Mamchych O. B. Сreative pupil improvisation in reading lessons as a way to development of emotional intelligence of primary schoolchildren in New Ukrainian School

Blahun S. S. The indicators of the formation of professional terminological competence of future masters of pharmacy using interactive technologies

Bohomaz O. Yu. Formation of media competence and critical media literacy in future teachers of public subjects: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Bodarieva M. I., Boriak O. V. Speech-therapy deficit is a problem of incluziia

Boyko H. I. Conducting distance binary classes on Ukrainian as a foreign language for second-year students (chemistry)

Boliak T. M. Professional competence of a primary school teacher as a condition for successful learning in a New Ukrainian School (NUS)

Bukhniieva О. A., Bankul L. D. Implementation of self-organized educational space into the process of music art learning

Vasilieva P. A. Main components of foreign language communicative competence of future primary school teacher

Vynohradova O. V. Integrated social services as a direction of socialization of children with disabilities in the community

Vorozhbit-Horbatiuk V. V., Shtefan M. V. Artistic and productive activity of younger adolescents from the experience of the integrated course “Artistic creativity”

Haiduchenko A. H. Application of information technologies for conducting foreign language classes of professional orientation

Halatsyn K. O., Feshchuk A. M. Interactive teaching at English classes as means of communicative culture formation of future engineers in institutions of higher technical education

Heorhievska Z. A. Distant education and its role in modern society

Hohol’ N. V. Cuturological foundations of the school literary education: the scholary writings

Horobchenko N. V. Modern tendencies in senior pupil’s discursive culture formation

Hrychanyk N. I. Methodological techniques of student training in school analysis of epic works.

Grinchenko A. M., Mamykina A. I. Professional thinking of a musician-pianist

Husieva T. O. Scientific and methodological principles of labor content training of persons with disability in rehabilitation centers

Hushchak Zh. M., Hera T. I. Formation of students' readiness for the organization of safe vital activities: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Djaman T. V. The system of pedagogical conditions of continuous primary school teacher`s training to the professional activity in the field of inclusive education

Dmytrenko K. A., Syrova Yu. V., Kolosova S. V. Development of cognitive activity in senior preschool age by means of contemporary artistic literature

Dronova O. O. Pedagogical technologies of artistic and aesthetic development of child’s personality in the context of the tasks of modern preschool education

Yemelyanova O. Yu. The professional competence of the accompanist as the condition of qualitative training of the future specialist of the choreographic profile

Ilnytska G. S., Honcharuk N. V., Ilnytska L. V. Experience of using the Pharmel system platform during the study of discipline “Therapeutic exercises”

Ilnytska L. V. Development of aesthetic-educational principles of artistic and pedagogical activity on the example personal contribution of Andriy Chebykin

Kabur L. M. The structural components of professional mobility of the future music art teacher

Kliuchnyk V. Ya. Problems of teaching the Ukrainian language by foreign students

Kniazian M. O., Hryhorovych O. V. The theoretical basis and pedagogical conditions to form the readiness for self-educational activities of future junior specialists in music

Konotop O. S. Testing of the level of formation of foreign language communicative competence of future primary teachers

Kotvitska A. A., Budanova L. G. Genesis of the idea of detecting and teaching an intellectually capable personality

Kravtsova N. Ye., Belozerska A. O., Shvets I. B., Kravchenko I. M. Vocal and choral performance as a kind of interactive music making of future teachers of music art in the process of professional training

Kuzmenko O. S. Interdisciplinary as a factor of solving the problems of implementation of innovations in the process of teaching physics in technical institutions of higher education

Kurlishchuk I. I., Pavlenko I. Н., Sievastianova O. A. Virtual learning environment of the university as a condition of student youth ecological culture formation

Maksymenko N. B., Salyha N. M. Modeling pedagogical situations in the process of professional training of future lecturers of higher educational institutions

Malakhova M. O. The peculiarities of music teacher-to-be professional training in educational folk-instrumental groups

Barnych O. V., Naidon K. V., Mamchych O. B. Book trailer as a means of motivating younger schoolchildren to read

Martynenko V. O. The development of primary schoolchildren’s ability to predict in the process of step-by-step text content processing

Melnychenko N. P. Methodological problems of the modern of technical education in Ukraine

Mesarosh L. V. Research of the online technologies influence on the perception of visual information in physics

Mirkovich I. L. The role of cognitive and communicative approach in the organization of teaching English professional communication to art students

Mykhniuk S. V. Management of experimental work on diagnosis of the level of readiness of future social workers for pedagogical interaction

Miroshnyk I. V. The use of QR-codes in teaching a foreign language to the future educators

Morhai L. A. Work of a social worker with problem families